Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fresh Cucumber and Basil Salsa

I'm a salsa lover. I love my salsa and I am not ashamed to admit it.
Here is a fresh little twist to salsa that is cool and refreshing.
Remember, try to get organic ingredients whenever possible. 
Please make it a priority.

2 large Heritage or Ugly Ripe tomatoes (if organic aren't available) 
3 spring onions
1 small or half a large cucumber
1 medium jalapeno 
4 large basil leaves
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of white miso
2 tablespoons of lime juice
lime zest
salt and pepper to taste

Whisk miso and lime juice to create a paste.
Add olive oil and continue whisking until mixed
thoroughly. Set aside. Dice tomatoes and cucumber,
slice spring onions. tear basil up into small pieces, 
dice jalapeno into tiny pieces. Place in a medium bowl. 
Pour the miso sauce on top, add lime zest. Salt and
pepper to taste. 

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